Installing a new screen

Has your screen been torn or is it falling apart?   Here is a quick picture tutorial of how to put a new screen in a window.

First you lift the spline from the corner

Pull out the spline. 
fix window screen

Pull out the screen.  Now you are left with just the four metal sides.  The important part is that by using the old sides you have exactly the right size.  There are so many sizes of screen windows out there that it is difficult to match your exact needs with a completely new screen.
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Add new springs and corner pieces to rebuild the frame of your window.
trailer window replacement

Pull some new screen and spline from rolls like these.
new window screen manufactured home

Lay down the new screen. 
mobile home expert help

Use a "screen roller" to press in the spline.
mobile home parts help

Cut off the excess screen. 
doublewide window parts

Stand back and admire your work!